Dell Servers just like any other brands of server are on Intel based architecture. Main difference between Dell and any other brand is its performance for mission critical applications and then the subsequent post sales support.
Dell Pakistan prides itself with a state of art RMA Centre here locally in Pakistan which gives customer the advantage of same day support (Pro Support) in case of any break down and after diagnosis from Dell certified technician.
Enterprises Servers (PowerEdge Rack Server)
Four-Socket Rack Servers
PowerEdge R940
Workloads: In memory databases
Memory: 48 (15 – 36 TB)
Processor: 42nd Generation Intel Xeon – Scalable processors -
PowerEdge R740
Workloads: VDI and Cloud application
Memory: 24 (7.68 TB)
Processor: 22nd Generation Intel Xeon – Scalable processors -
PowerEdge R440
Workloads: Web tech and scale-out infrastructure
Memory: 16(1 TB)
Processor: 22nd Generation Intel Xeon – Scalable processors